Week Seven - Concert Prep


Lauren Hughes made this great poster to help promote the concert feature the musicians form MSS. Thanks Lauren!

​St. Paul
Deb is on a role at St. Paul! She was really feeling Micheal Jackson last week so she wrote and recorded a poem about Micheal Jackson. I made a MJ inspired instrumental track to back her up. Here is: Thriller.


Two new tracks from Eagan this week! Chad, who is typically doesn't speak much, has started to really enjoy singing into the microphone. Sometimes it's seems like he is singing a specific tune, but I can' figure out what it is. Feel free to let me know if you can hear the tune! Here is Chad.

Troy and Jeriel also did another one of their collaborations. When Troy yelled, "Dave is in the House!" I thought it was a good time to bring in a beat that Dave had created using the midi keyboard. Jeriel preceded to talk about one of his favorite super heroes, Ironman. Here is Iron Man is In the House.

Apple Valley

We made another group composition with the apple valley group.
I pulled some samples from Tommy, Kristen and Matt S playing the midi keyboard to create an instrumental track. I'm really excited to include Matt S into a composition, he has been pretty hesitant to participate. When he did, his playing sounded really nice. The bell sound at the beginning of this piece is Matt S playing the keyboard. Ashley spoke into the microphone, recording all of the names of the people in the group. It was the most Ashley spoke into the microphone since I started working with her! Here is Ashley and Friends.


​This next tune was a collaboration between Hannah K and myself. I took samples from improvisations she did with the midi keyboard with a drum sound and a synth bass. Then she recorded "yo yo" all over the track which we both thought was pretty funny. Then I did a little keyboard improvisation to add something extra to the track.
Here is Yo Yo

Brooklyn Park

Joan has been working on these lyrics for the past couple weeks. She put together two different sets of lyrics into one song. I think they fit together perfectly! I played some chords behind her while she recorded the vocal. She said she liked how they sounded so we kept them! Here isUntil the End of Time


Week 6 - In the Groove